The story of the most dramatic general election campaign in modern history and Theresa May's battle for a Brexit deal, the greatest challenge for a prime minister since the Second World War
Putin, the 'normalization' of Russian Politics and Europe
1970 : the president of CL , François Bloch - Lainé , Inspecteur des Finances , adopted a strategy of partnerships with other banks in the form of Union des Banques Arabes et Françaises ( UBAF ) , and Europartners ( see below ) .
Britain and the European Union: Alternative Futures
A Price Not Worth Paying: The Economic Cost of EMU
"This paper compares alternative methodologies for estimating real exchange rate misalignment for EU countries.
Beyond the WTO?: An Anatomy of EU and US Preferential Trade Agreements
This e-book compiles the written contributions prepared by the speakers of an EUI conference titled 'Global Europe: The New Generation of EU Preferential Trade Agreements'.
31 Case 249/81 , Commission v . Ireland , 1982 ECR 4005 . 32 Brian Lavery , “ Ireland : Speak Gaelic or Hit the High Road , ” New York Times , 19 Dec. 2002 . 48 Haim II , para . 59 . 49 Id 106 LAW AND LANGUAGE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION.
17 M. Goldberg , R. W. Helseley and M. D. Levi , ' The Location of International Financial Centres ' , Annals of Regional Science , November 1988 , pp . 81–94 , and M. Goldberg , R. W. Helseley and M. D. Levi , ' The 134 Financial ...
Europäische Sozialpolitik - eine Einschätzung aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht