Beyond the frontiers of reason there extends the vast, shadowy world of fantasy, where monsters lurk in the gloomy depths, vampires flit across the face of the moon, and imagination reigns supreme. Franz Rottensteiner explores the world of fantasy as it appears in the literature of the West. The dark side of the mind, that fascinating and perilous Dream State, has produced its own literature of the weird, the uncanny, and the demoniac. Since the beginning of time, storytellers have told of remote and exotic realms filled with ghosts, werewolves, ghouls, and zombies. From the clinical horrors of Edgar Allan Poe to the nightmare bureaucracy of Kafka; from Frankenstein to Alice in Wonderland; from Rider Haggard to C.S. Lewis; from the Jewish ghetto of the golem to the decayed castle of Gormenghast - The Fantasy Book presents a spectral march of figures and themes from the edge of reality, and beyond.
Of the five authors listed in the contents , three were the by - lines of Roger P. Graham ( who is best known as Rog Phillips ) , and one ( G. H. Irwin ) was Palmer's own alias . Phillips and Shaver had , apparently donated their ...
The obvious wraith in Lewis's book is Wither , the Deputy Director of N.I.C.E. On one level he is an obvious example of the bureaucrat , that characteristic twentieth - century figure . His language is elaborate , polished , utterly ...
Budge , E. A. Wallis . The Mummy : A Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archeology . Cambridge , U.K .: Cambridge University Press , 1894. London : Kegan Paul , 1987. New York : Dover , 1989. Also published under the following titles : The ...
Overview of horror literature of Stephen King, Clive Barker and Anne rice
The third volume of this award-winning series chronicles the publications’ most difficult period so far.
Just as the Overlook Hotel works its will through Jack Torrance , the adults of Derry are either actively engaged in performing service for Pennywise , or remain , like Mr. Ross , morally indifferent to the clown's behavior : “ Beverly ...
Except for the fact that the whole room is “ stiff with enchantments , ” the city Digory and Polly are in could as well be the ruins of an ancient city in our world . In the Hall of Images they find a little golden bell and hammer on a ...
George Turner , Transit of Cassidy ( Melbourne : Nelson , 1978 ) . 4. George Turner , Beloved Son ( London : Faber and Faber , 1978 ) , p . 5 . 5. Ibid . , p . 263 . 6. George Turner , The Sea and Summer ( London : Faber and Faber ...
Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Index, 1980-1984
The serial character of Mary Risling became Mary Sperling in the novel , possibly because of conflict with ' Noisy ' Rhysling of “ The Green Hills of Earth . " Also , Heinlein weaves in mention of postwar radiation in the US and ...