Synergetics, according to E. J. Applewhite, was Fuller's name for the geometry he advanced based on the patterns of energy that he saw in nature. For Fuller, geometry was a laboratory science with the touch and feel of physical models--not rules out of a textbook. It gains its validity not from classic abstractions but from the results of individual physical experience. Description by the Buckminster Fuller Institute, courtesy of The Estate of Buckminster Fuller
In this monograph, a statistical description of natural phenomena is used to develop an information processing system capable of modeling non-linear relationships between sensory data.
This book is an often-requested reprint of two classic texts by H. Haken: "Synergetics. An Introduction" and "Advanced Synergetics".
This book is intended as an introductory exposition of those nuclear energy systems concepts which are characterized by an integrated utiliz ation of complementary nuclear processes.
Synergetics: An Adventure in Human Development
The book provides an introduction to some basic concepts of linguistic synergetics, viewed here as a new multidisciplinary research approach to language studies.
I have written the present book in such a way that most of it can be read in dependently of my previous book, though occasionally some knowledge of that book might be useful. But why do these books address such a wide audience?
Synergetic Economics presents a new advance in analytical economics.
A particular feature of this text is its combination of analytic and computational strategies to tackle difficult nonlinear problems at the molecular level of matter.
Later on, he created Synergetics, the science of cooperation in multicomponent systems. The book concentrates on the development of his scientific work during the first thirty-five years of his career.
This book gives an introduction to the mathematical theory of cooperative behavior in active systems of various origins, both natural and artificial.