Although this text is intended to complement a typical first-year course in physical geology, its contents could be applied to numerous other related courses.
The book is a collaboration of faculty from Earth Science departments at Universities and Colleges across British Columbia and elsewhere"--BCcampus website.
Written for an introductory one-semester geology course, this text is a brief version of Thompson/Turk's MODERN PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. Thompson/Turk's brief text offers professors a more streamlined alternative to the longer,...
Contemporary Physical Geology
Monroe and Wicander's new edition of Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth provides a comprehensive overview of the physical aspects of the Earth's processes above, on, and below the surface. In...
The text fulfills the needs of professors by offering current content and a striking illustration package, while exposing students to the global view of Earth and teaching them to view the world as geologists.
Moving away from the observation-and-vocabulary focus of traditional physical geology lab manuals, Peters and Davis's Geology from Experience offers experiments that favor hands-on involvement and scientific problem-solving.
Physical Geology
All illustrations are created by hand and give a real classroom feel to the book. Students or readers can easily reproduce them by hand. This is a book, where a diagram says it all. The book is divided into four parts.
This book offers a high-level summary of shallow magmatic systems (dykes, sills and laccoliths) to support geoscience master and PhD students, scientists and practicing professionals.