Stuart J. Baum, William R. Bowen, Susan R. Poulter. r Laboratory Exercises in Organic and Biological Chemistry Laboratory Exercises in.
The Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by Applegate, Neely, and Sakuta was authored to be the most current lab manual available for the GOB market, incorporating the most modern instrumentation and techniques.
Laboratory Exercises for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
Exercise for the General, Organic, and Biochemistry Laboratory
The procedures are written with the goal of simplifying a complicated and often challenging subject for students by applying concepts to everyday life.The first half of the lab manual covers general topics such as chemical and physical ...
Instructor's Manual: Laboratory Exercises in Organic and Biological Chemistry
n Figure 4.15: Phanie Agency/Science Source n Chapter 5 Opener: Geoff Tompkinson/Science n Chapter 6 Opener: Martyn Chillmaid/Science n Chapter 7 Opener: Charles Winters/Science Source n Figure 7.25: Will Kelley n Chapter 8 Opener: ...
This edition includes many revised experiments and two new experiments. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Provide a description about the book that does not include any references to package elements. This description will provide a description where the core, text-only product or an eBook is sold.
Organic chemists looking to build their understanding through lab work can utilize this second edition. There are 21 experiments that are clearly described in the integrated table of contents. Each...
This lab manual is organized and written to make the experiments more applicable to users' daily lives. This approach also serves to make the experiments more understandable. New updated...