The author examines the development of young children with an ecological context that includes the family, the school, community, and society, as a whole. Major child development theories are discussed as they relate to every aspect of the young child's growth. Strong applications for those who work with young children. Features expanded multicultural coverage.
The Young Child: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight
More important, these stories manage to strip away the mental defensiveness and conventionality that so often prevent adults from appreciating the way children begin to think about the world.
About teaching mathematics: A K–8 resource (2nd ed.). ... Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and National Association for the Education of Young Children. ... Math wizardry for kids (T. Robinson, Illus.).
The Young Child: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight
Grounded in current research, this classic book focuses on how teachers working with children ages 3 to 6 can find and build on the math inherent in children’s ideas in ways that are playful and intentional.
This second edition of The Young Child and Mathematics reflects on recent developments in math education through vignettes, activity ideas, and strategies for teaching young children about math processes and concepts.
This is the tenth edition of a classic work on child development by Ronald Illingworth (1909-1990), the renowned English paediatrician who was Professor of Child Health at the University of Sheffield.
The text emphasizes the importance of respecting and partnering with families to help children establish healthy lifestyles and achieve their learning potential.
Ostroff highlights processes that propel learning (including play and collaboration), distilling the research into the most important ideas teachers need to design pedagogy and curriculum.
In a field where groups of fathers were until recently marginalized in research, this book adopts a refreshingly inclusive attitude, aiming to motivate researchers to capture the nuanced practices of fathers in minority groups such as those ...