This text takes a whole-life approach to meeting the transitional-functional needs of persons for whom a practical, career-oriented educational environment is optimal. Coverage focuses on 22 major competency areas that encompass daily living, personal/social, and occupational skills. The third edition includes three chapters contributed by practitioners in the field which illustrate ways in which text concepts are being used successfully in the field, as well as sample lesson plans and assessment measures.
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華特斯(Helen Walters). ЕЕК)іёёj]ёй }4+НП +}ННЖП:ЛПН Ну ё ва ё iН И ёё (Мuseum of Science and Industry) e Eе дEА —Не А вёПёУjвё дкH}}/Вв пith}{3} Дfi1+jE &#ГНИЕНН. НЕК)} x #ундFF }ё3ёНj}+ 1])? ёт 3. S / * # Ну дё # Н, о (в в Нидев Нув, ...
A series of practical handbooks for students with a degree in the liberal arts explains how to transform their chosen academic field into a career that will make the most...
☆亞馬遜年度10大好書 ☆《公司》雜誌好評推薦 應用破壞性創新的思維架構,有系統檢視產業訊號 分辨機會與衝擊,預測賽局的變化方向 ...
掌握消費者選擇,創新不必碰運氣 克雷頓‧克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen), 泰迪‧霍爾(Taddy Hall), 凱倫‧狄倫(Karen Dillon), 大衛‧鄧肯(David S. Duncan). 服務長史蒂芬.奧特豪斯(Steven Althaus)回憶道:「我們必須開始把比較標竿放眼到我們的產業外 ...
Half felt as my writer did, that e-mail was meant to be fast and convenient, and that there was no need to worry about format or structure. The other half felt that e-mail was the same as any type of business correspondence and that all ...
세계에서 가장 똑똑한 이들조차 불행을 피하지 못한다. 이 막막한 인생에서 무엇을 붙잡고 살아야 하는가. 하버드의 종강일, 암 투병 중인 노교수가 들려준 ‘후회 없이 좋은 삶을 ...
雖然要從賽爾馬遊行到到阿拉巴馬的首府蒙哥馬利(Montgomery),金恩博士絕對必須越過那座橋,但真正重要的是跨越那座橋所代表的意義。企業界也一樣,利潤、股東權益當然都是重要而合理的目標,但它們並不能感召同仁每天努力工作。雖然微軟多年前就面臨岔路, ...
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It is the responsibility of park technicians , or park aides as they are also known , to inform visitors of the park's rules that are designed to protect and conserve the park's fragile environment . The first person a park visitor ...