This carefully written guide helps students better understand the material presented in the text by using chapter objectives, chapter summaries, key terms, chapter review questions, and self-test questions which are page referenced to the ...
The Western Heritage Since 1648
This carefully written guide helps students better understand the material presented in the text by using chapter objectives, chapter summaries, key terms, chapter review questions, and self-test questions which are page referenced to the ...
When? Where? Questions for each chapter of The Western Heritage, TLC Edition. Each copy of the TLC edition comes bundled with History Notes.
"Reference Modules" contain "Web Destinations" and "Net Search" options that provide the opportunity to quickly reach information on the Web that relates to the content in the text.
Western Heritage Vol 1 & Study Guide V2 Pkg
Western Heritage: A Reader
The Western Heritage
The Western Heritage to 1715: Study Guide/workbook
Western Heritage