For courses in Earth Science. An abbreviated version of the best-selling Earth Science, 8/e, this text offers a user-friendly overview of the physical environment. It retains the hallmarks you expect from Fred Lutgens and Ed Tarbuck-a student-friendly writing style, carefully crafted art program, and coverage of the most recent current events. Each copy of the text comes packaged with EarthShow, a student CD-ROM, and robust instructional package. EarthShow CD-ROM: Each copy of Foundations of Earth Science, 2/e comes with EarthShow, created by professional photographer and renowned geologic educator, Parvinder Sethi of Radford University. This CD provides students with a wide array of visual and audio resources for the study of Earth Science. This technology has been extensively tested, and has proven to be a very effective study tool and student motivator.Carefully crafted art program. *New - Improved art program. *New - Emphasis on Earth systems science. *Readable discussions - Uses a minimum of technical language. *Presents geologic concepts clearly, enabling students to easily comprehend material and maintain interest. *Comprehensive organization - Seven self-contained units. Fo