Harvey , K. B. et al .: “ Nutritional Assessment and Patient Outcome During Oncological Therapy , ” Cancer , 43 : 2065–69 , 1979 . 30. Bertino , J. R .: “ Nutrients , Vitamins , and Minerals as Therapy , ” Nutr .
Foundations of Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition
Abstract: Information on normal nutrition as well as basic principles for the use of therapeutic nutrition in health care and presented in a text for students of nursing and other...
Foundations of Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition
Explores the areas of food and eating habits from the perspective of the healthy diet as well as from the viewpoint of disease management and dietary intervention in clinical practice.
Dixon , J. B. , Bhathal , P. S. , Hughes , N. R. , & O'Brien , P.E ( 2004 ) . Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : Improvement in liver histological analysis with weight loss . Hepatology , 39 , 1647-1654 . FM Partnership ( 2004 ) .
This comprehensive text presenting both normal and therapeutic nutrition provides numerous aids reinforcing basic principles of nutrition, and helping the student to apply these concepts to the health care process.
This updated 12th Edition of UNDERSTANDING NORMAL AND CLINICAL NUTRITION presents the fundamentals of nutrition and nutrition therapy along with their practical applications to daily life and clinical settings.
Basic nutrition and food choices, assessment, counseling, energy metabolism, weight management. Also includes nutrition for various age groups, infants, children, teenagers, young, middle-aged and older adults, and during pregnancy. Additional...
The Fifth Edition has been completely revised and updated to include My Pyramid and corresponding DRIs and all of the all figures and tables have been revised. Accompanied by A Comprehensive Companion Web site
Abstract: Normal diets, therapeutic diets, and the conditions for which they are prescribed are presented in a manual for physicians and dietitians. Nutritional principles and rationales for each diet are...