Through detailed explanations, and mathematics accessible to technology-level readers, this book establishes methods for analyzing, modeling, and predicting performance of op-amps and linear integrated circuits. KEY TOPICS: It includes the common circuit configurations and devices to be used with these circuits. Also includes: Oscillators and waveform generators; analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog coversion; computer software analysis; operational amplifier DC effects and limitations, and more.
This popular book presents a clear and interesting approach for op-amp courses while examining four basic active filters, illustrating 5-V digital logic ICs, and more. It provides...
Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuit Technology
Classification of active filters is given . Circuits are presented for active low - pass filter ( LPF ) , highpass Filter ( HPF ) , band - pass filter ( BPF ) , band - reject filter ( BRF ) , resonant filter , and notch filter .
This accurate and easy-to-understand book presents readers with the basic principles of operational amplifiers and integrated circuits—with a very practical approach.. A large number of examples, questions,...
Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits
This book offers comprehensive coverage of a wide, relevant array of operational amplifier topics. KEY TOPICS: The book integrates theory, practical circuits, and troubleshooting concepts, keeping...
This work examines and illustrates four basic active filters, 5-V digital logic ICs, and much more. It introduces a simple procedure for designing any linear circuit, and includes new material on PSpice simulations.
"In this fifth edition, we not only have kept the standard 741 op amp but also have shown many circuits with newer, readily available op amps because these have largely overcome the dc and ac limitations of the older types.
This new edition includes enhanced pedagogy (additional problems, more in-depth coverage of negative feedback, more effective layout), updated technology (current-feedback and folded-cascode amplifiers, and low-voltage amplifiers), and ...
This book is a bold new approach to teaching about linear integrated circuits from a designer s point of view.