Animal contributions to human needs; Meat, Milk and milk products; Hides, wool, mohair and furs; Market classes and grades of livestock and poultry; Visual evaluation of slaughter red meat animals; Reproduction; Artificial insemination, estrus synchronization and embryo transfer; Growth and maturation; Lactation; Adaptation to the environment; Digestion and absorption of feed; The functions of nutrients; Providing needed substances for body functions; Genetics, Selection, Systems of breeding; Beef cattle breeds and breeding; Feeding and managing beef cattle; Dairy cattle breeds and breeding; Managing dairy cattle; Swine breeds and breeding; Feeding and managing swine; Sheep breeds and breeding; Feeding and managing sheep; The poultry industry; Managing poultry; Horses and donkeys; Feeding and managing horses; Goats; Behavior of animals; Making effective management decisions; Careers and career preparation in the animal sciences.