A Place away from heat sources . Locate the refrigerator away from heating vents or radiators , stoves , or dishwashers . A Defrost . Remove frost more than a quarter - inch thick in the freezer . A Check the door gaskets .
Provides consumers an array of solutions to such problems as buying a used car, finding affordable travel options, and avoiding rip-offs.
Secrets of the Savvy Consumer
Savvy Consumer's Sourcebook: Where to Get Anything for Less
As this book shows, the failure to understand how insurance and the healthcare system work can have a major impact on your physical and financial health.
In this consumer-oriented handbook, Dale shares his seven-step strategy to becoming a savvy consumer.
"Who's got your back when insurance matters? The authors of this book. The inside scoop on protecting your assets. Things you need to know that your insurance company won't tell you. Money-saving tips."--Back cover.
... Numbness Open wounds Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Pain or pressure in chest Palpitations Paralysis Parkinson's disease Pelvic inflammatory disease Peptic ulcer disease Tumor Periods of unconsciousness Upper respiratory infection.
Secrets of the Savvy 50+ Consumer
This proceedings volume explores the new and innovative ways in which marketers find new global customers and build meaningful bridges to them based on their wants and needs in order to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction.