Social Patterns in Australian Literature
Social Patterns in Australian Literature
Article by J. H. Bell separately annotated.
As T. Inglis Moore writes in his Social Patterns in Australian Literature , the Australian environment has been the “ background of the nation's story , ... home of its heroes , the maker of its ideals , and the breeding ground of its ...
This updated and revised text has been given a more applied emphasis for students interested in the human service professions. Chapters, which include overviews, summaries, questions and projects, are grouped...
Australian Literary Studies
Australian Literature and the Limits of Suburbia Andrew McCann. T Joan Kirkby The Pursuit of Oblivion : in Flight From Suburbia HIS essay is an exploration of the suburban imaginary in ... The Pursuit of Oblivion: in Flight From Suburbia.
Explorations in Australian Literature
T. Inglis Moore's Social Patterns in Australian Literature (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1971) provides an early and scrupulous recognition of the distinctive national tradition of Australian literature.
... 1991 ) ; Joe McGinness , Son of Alyandabu ( St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1991 ) ; Jack Bohemia and Bill McGregor , Nyibayarri , Kimberley Tracker ( Canberra : Aboriginal Studies Press , 1995 ) ; Wandjuk Marika : Life ...