Researchers seeking descriptions, contact information and advertising rates on print and broadcast media worldwide will find all the data they need in this invaluable resource. This 158th edition of Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media contains more than 60,000 listings for radio and television stations, cable companies and print media companies, including more than 18,000 international entries. Includes phone and fax numbers; e-mail addresses and Web site URLs; listing of key personnel; and much more.
... TDCDA] after a short illness (NH 17 Oct 99, TDCDA 28 Oct 99) TH[U]RMAN, [Mary], has eloped from her husband, Andrew THURMAN of Hanover Co. (VGRMA 25 Jul 93) THURSTON, William Plummer, dec'd, e.a.w. Nicholas TALIAFERRO, Culpeper Co.
An account of the Revolutionary War as it was reported in period newspapers and broadsheets draws on primary sources on both sides of the conflict and is complemented by modern analysis from 37 historians.
Gale Directory of Publications & Broadcast Media 142 V3
... for Community Journalism and Rural Issues , available at http : //www.Rural ( accessed June 30 , 2009 ) . 59. Al Cross , supra note 11 . 60. Jonathan Rowe , “ The Language of Strangers : The Role of the Rural Press | 91.
This argument is debatable , however , because most research has indicated that newspaper readership is habitual and tends to ... Hartman , The USA Today Way : A Candid Look at the National Newspaper's First Decade , ( Bowling Green ...
And when the call for the multi - organ transplant came from Miami , you just had to figure Ryan would make it . And if it worked ... if it worked ... well , life would get normal - if anyone in the Yoder household had any inkling of ...
Samuel P. Hays , “ The Politics of Reform in Municipal Government in the Progressive Era , ” Pacific Northwest Quarterly 55 ... See , for example , Paul Boyer , Urban Masses and Moral Order in America , 1820 1920 ( Cambridge , Mass .
J.W., 237 Sloss, J.W., Jr., 231 Sloss, Marshal, 32, 63 Sloss, Mr., 224, 238, 341 Small, Marion, 308 Smith, Alexander, 339 Smith, Austin, 107 Smith, Brinjer, 214 Smith, Charlie, 338 Smith, Col., 109 Smith, Ella, 345 Smith, Emma, 53 Smith ...
Alan Hedblad, Jeff Sumner. - - - - - -
Presents brief profiles of over 54,500 newspapers, magazines, journals, and other periodicals, as well as radio, television, and cable stations and systems in the U.S., Canada, and the international market, each listing advertising rates, ...