International competitive pressures, the increasing size and complexity of organizations, the changing values, career concerns, and demography of the work force -- these and a host of other factors have made the modern corporation's traditional approach to personnel management permanently obsolete. Developed and proven over the last half decade at the Harvard Business School, this pathbreaking text brings together thirty authentic business cases to illustrate the broader, more comprehensive, more strategic perspective managers -- especially general managers -- must take to utilize and conserve a firm's increasingly valuable human resources in the 1980s and beyond. Human Resource Management explores four major policy areas. Employee influence discusses management's task of delegating appropriate power and responsibility over business goals, pay, working conditions, job security, and related issues. Managing human resource flow examines the responsibility managers share in handling the flow of employees through an organization -- from recruiting them and appraising their performance to formulating guidelines on career development, promotion, outplacement, and fair treatment. Reward systems looks at the objective of designing and administering a system of rewards to attract, motivate, and retain employees. And work systems considers how managers define, design, and supervise work itself -- whether it be at a manufacturing plant or in an office setting. Each policy area receives a thorough introduction by the authors (including a conceptual overview and necessary background information concerning institutional arrangements and typical personnel practice) and isfollowed by several cases presenting HRM problems and approaches in a range of real-world business settings. Lucid, richly detailed, and consistently stimulating, the cases permit students to develop their skills in: * diagnosing a firm's human resource policies and recognizing their long-term consequences
* integrating human resource policies into a corporation's overall competitive strategy
* creating mechanisms for employee influence and participation as well as assessing the potential for union-management collaboration
* designing and administering reward systems that complement other HRM changes
* implementing practical, effective work systems that dramatically improve employee commitment and competence Throughout, Human Resource Management demonstrates that HRM policy decisions can no longer be delegated as a functional specialty -- that HRM strategy must fit competitive strategy, that HRM involves investment decisions with long-term implications, and that employees are a major stakeholder whose interests can and must be acknowledged by top management. By presenting HRM as a coherent, proactive (rather than reactive) management model, it provides business students with the critical resources they will need to promote sound and productive relations between their organization and its employees.
This market-leading text takes a pragmatic approach emphasizing the strategic role of human resources.
This book will help you develop your understanding of business management with insight from the top 5% of business owners and human resource managers worldwide.
This edition reviews today's most important laws and regulations and addresses the information most often used by HR professionals.
This text is current, topical, and informative. No matter your status, this is the human resources and healthcare textbook you need to stay ahead of the curve.
The only long-term analysis of its kind, this book compares the findings from CEO's earlier studies to new data collected in 2010.
More than 100 new topics can be found throughout this edition, along with new features and cases.
Rosa consideraba que una persona mayor sería un empleado constante y confiable , mientras que Keith prefería tener un ayudante más joven , con ambición que " motivara un mejor desempeño laboral ” . No habían tenido ocasión de llegar a ...
Human Resource Management (Third Edition)
Human Resource Management: 12th Edition
This is the perfect textbook for first and second year undergraduate students, as well as for post-experience students, studying introductory modules on Human Resource Development, Training and Development, or Learning and Development.