... de divers manuscrits latins pour servir à l'histoire des doctrines grammaticales au moyen âge . Reprint . Frankfurt am Main : Minerva . ... Tucker , Gilbert M. 1895. Our common speech . New York : Dodd , Mead and Co.
1970- issued in 2 vols.: v. 1, General reference, social sciences, history, economics, business; v. 2, Fine arts, humanities, science and engineering.
American Book Publishing Record: ABPR cumulative
A detailed listing of primary subjects of interest to managerial personnel, with a record a sourcebooks, periodicals, organizations, directories, handbooks, bibliographies, on-line data bases, and other sources of information on...
Publishers' Trade List Annual
Materials for Occupational Education: An Annotated Source Guide
The stories of Gibbs graduates–bank president, college president, US ambassador, CIA operatives, lawyers, writers, graphic designers, professionals in many fields–are told in each chapter.
Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources
Books in Print
Includes : abstracting and indexing services, almanacs and yearbooks, bibliographies, biographical sources, directories, encyclopedias and dictionaries, financial ratios, handbooks and manuals, online data bases, periodicals and newsletters, price sources, research...