... Roxann , 153 , 186 Sutton , F. X. , 36 Sweet , James A. , 27 , 40 , 97 , 137 , 152 , Veblen , Thorstein , 4 , 41 Vanek ... Peter , 161 , 165 , 171 , 187 40 Wilson , J. J. , 343 , 366 Wilson , Jane , 347 , 369 114 , 127 Name Index 379.
Both a direct call to action for business leaders and a pragmatic set of tools for women themselves, Pay Up offers a bold vision for change as America defines the future of work.
Working Women: Past, Present, Future
Addressing controversial issues such as radical Islamic groups, the right of Muslim women to divorce and the patriarchal structure of Islam, this is an eye-opening and empowering manifesto for change.
This coloring book features some of the most prominent and groundbreaking women in U.S. history as well as a large number of examples from everyday life that hope to exemplify the beauty and grace that are black women.
This book hopes to provide representation, affirmations, and to spread love, compassion, and hope to both young black boys and men.
In The Future of Science is Female, award-winning journalist Zara Stone shares the fascinating, complicated stories of how a diverse group of powerful women got started—from the perspective of those still working it out as they go along.
The results are by turns refreshing, provocative, moving, and hilarious. A diverse chorus of intersectional voices and a forward-looking stance set this book apart, and its vibrant, textured package makes it a beautiful gift.
Credit can be instrumental in equalizing opportunity and alleviating poverty, yet historically men and women have not had the same access. Partly because of this, women have been excluded from...
Following a chapter offering a historical perspective of women characters in science fiction, beginning with the 1818 publication of Frankenstein, King provides reading lists and annotations of a variety of...
Women's Future, World's Future: Book of Women's Visions for the Year 2050