In this book, Shank and Govindarajan demonstrate how strategic cost management - an analytical framework which relates meaningful accounting information to a firm's business strategy - is changing accounting practices in leading companies. Using case studies, including Ciba-Geigy, Ford, Motorola and Texas Instruments, they show how the tools of strategic cost management - value chain analysis, strategic positioning analysis and cost driver analysis - provide a sustainable competitive advantage over companies whose cost systems are in disarray.
Cases and Readings in Strategic Cost Management for Use with Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis
Strategic Cost Analysis: The Evolution from Managerial to Strategic Accounting
Target Costing: The Next Frontier in Strategic Cost Management is the one-and-only reference of its kind, providing practical insights on using target costing to build a culture of excellence in...
Approach in the book has been adapted considering the typical present examination requirements of the Professional students preparing for the final examinations under new syllabuses (Paper 5 of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and ...
Covers the strategic management topics in cost accounting. This title helps students to understand about the management and the role of cost accounting in helping an organization succeed.
The book is intended to fill the long-time requirements of the students for want of a book that is clearly written and contemporary, and provides a concise approach to cost management in the Indian context.
Offering a multidisciplinary roadmap for the design, development, and implementation of a strategic cost system, this book shows how to design a cost system to become a more effective decision-making tool and a source of competitive ...
The Five Forces Model Possibly the best-known work on strategy is Porter's9 Five Forces model. His “activity-based view” has made an immense contribution to thinking on strategy, and a full appreciation of the impact ofhis work is ...
This book is a comprehensive and authentic textbook for those seeking a thorough understanding of strategic cost management in the modern business environment.
This text aims to teach management concepts and methods, and to demonstrate how managers use cost management information to make better decisions and improve their organization's competitiveness.