Initial discussion and planning for the preparation of the third edition of Educational Measurement began independently at the two sponsoring organizations in late 1982. The discussion at the American Council of Education was initiated by Douglas R. Whitney. The decision to prepare a third edition was based on the belief that there had been substantial changes in the field of measurement since the publication of the second edition in 1971. The professional association of researchers and practitioners in educational measurement (NCME) and the nation's comprehensive association of colleges and universities (ACE) have cooperated to produce this volume.
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1990 required states to develop outcome-based accountability systems built around statewide performance measures and standards.
... 582 , 585 Satz , P. , 509 Saunders , B. T. , 198 Sawyer , J. , 610 Saykin , A. J. , 331 Scarr , S. , 539 Schafer ... A. , 479 Sternberg , L. , 550 Sternberg , R. J. , 248 , 297 , 319 , 557 , 559 , 623 Stevens , S. S. , 157 Stevenson ...
Evans - Newton , Inc. , 96-7 evolution , theory of , 123 data , 65 exceeding expectations , 34 : See also decentralization , 124 I.Q. and achievement . deconstructing test items , 99-100 exclusion acts , of Asians , 119 deep curriculum ...
Conference Summary National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Catherine E. Snow, Christopher Edley, Jr., Timothy Ready. ...
This book focuses on questioning techniques and strategies teachers may employ to make the difference between active and passive learning in the classroom.
Educational Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines
Essentials of Educational Measurement
"Talking the process of change and teaching is a necessity for our intellectual and social well-being," says acclaimed author Regie Routman. Now, in this long-awaited volume, Routman continues the discussion...
According to conventional wisdom, American public schools have suffered a terrible decline and are in need of dramatic reform. Today's high school students, it is alleged, display an ignorance of...
A Guide to the Methodology of the National Research Council Assessment of the Doctorate Programs describes the purpose, data and methods used to calculate ranges or rankings for research-doctorate programs...