Suggests a theory of presidential power, and tests it against the events in the administrations of the postwar presidents
Presidential Power, the Politics of Leadership
Franck, The Tethered Presidency; and Robert J. Spitzer, President and Con— gress: Executive Hegemony at the Crossroads of American Government (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993), p. xiv. 12. Jean Blondel, Political Leadership: ...
Presidential Power: The Politics of Leadership, with Reflections on Johnson and Nixon
A more complex picture of executive branch operations beyond the president's personal network is offered by Charles Walcott and Karen Hult, who examine the evolution of White House staff structures from to (see Charles ...
The politics of leadership from FDR to Carter.
Presidential Power
This book traces back to a conversation with Paul Peterson during the spring of 1996. For his introductory American politics textbook, Paul wanted a figure that showed the number of executive agreements issued by presidents over time.
This history of presidential studies surveys the views of leading thinkers and scholars about the constitutional powers of the highest office in the land from the founding to the present.
This book also examines the constitutional, political, and even psychological impact of the last thirty years of turmoil in the executive branch and the ways that controversy has altered both the exercise and the public’s view of ...
Is there a danger of dictatorship in the growth of political authority or will the presidency remain an office of constitutional democratic leadership?This book explores such questions by presenting a wide range of views on presidential ...