"In this important study, Yinger . . . successfully demonstrates his central point: countercultures are best understood as a continuous part of human experience and social organization."--"Library Journal."
An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History Gina Misiroglu. of well-being and harmony, a calm euphoria and meditative state, and a revelation of the numinous. For many church members, ...
212 Little Richard, 244, 260 Liu Hsiin, 81 Locke. John. 139, I42, 143, 167 London journal, 154 London Suite (\)Val1er). 230 Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman). 241 Lost Generation. xviii, xix, xx. 31, 36, 68,136. 216-19 aftermath of.
This volume provides an essential new academic scrutiny of the concept of ’counterculture’ and a critical examination of the period and its heritage.
In this book, Jessa Lingel offers an account of digital technology use that looks beyond Silicon Valley and college dropouts-turned-entrepreneurs.
Evans, “Demythologizing the Blues,” 8–9, argues that Fat Possum's approach reflects the contemporary popularity of the “myth of blues as chaos,” and notes that “[one] can grant that the music and lives of these artists might appear ...
A bold reconsideration of the meaning of 1960s San Francisco counterculture
With a new introduction by the author that brings his work up to date, this volume raises important questions regarding sociological theory.
American Countercultures is a useful supplement throughout the American History curriculum.
The Sixties. 4th ed. New York: Pearson, 2012. Anthony, Gene. Magic of the Sixties. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith, 2004. ———. ... Chepesiuk, Ron. Sixties Radicals, Then and Now: Candid Conversations with 328 | bibliography.
... 174 Lowell, Robert, 40 LSD culture, 132, 134–5, 176–7 M*A*S*H* (Altman), 214 MacAdams, Lewis, 28, 78, 197 McCabe and Mrs Miller (Altman), 214 McCarthy, Eugene, 130 McCarthyism, 20, 30, 81–2, 99, 102–3 McCartney, Paul, 166 McClure, ...