Hall , 26-28 Helvey v . Wabash County REMC , 367 Henningsen v . Bloomfield Motors , Inc. , 413–414 Hessler , Inc. v . Farrell , 664 Hickli v . Orbeck , 81-82 Higgins v . Lessig , 196n Highview Associates v . Koferl , 757 Hillebrant v .
Business Law I Essentials may need to be supplemented with additional content, cases, or related materials, and is offered as a foundational resource that focuses on the baseline concepts, issues, and approaches.
United States Bankruptcy Court , Western District of Arkansas , 2002 . this sentence , it appears that Barry County Livestock 274 Bankr . 503 . Auction was attempting to retain title to the cattle in the event the debtor's personal ...
Discover the business law book you’ll actually enjoy reading. Time after time, readers like you have commented that this is the most interesting introduction to law they’ve ever read.
This is a 22-chapter, abbreviated version of Business Law Today: Text, Summarized Cases, Legal, Ethical, Regulatory, and International Environment, 4th offers summarized cases. Many features focus on the global, political,...
James operates a business, All Bright Consumables (ABC), which trades in DIY goods to electricians and traders. As James is expanding his business in other areas and has become too busy to manage ABC personally, he appoints Brenda to ...
INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW presents the full range of business law topics in a series of fast-paced, brief digestible chapters, making the book accessible to a wide range of students.
This text provides a concise explanation of the statutory and case law that affects business with the objective of enabling students to use the law as a source for business...
Business Law Basics will help you ask smart questions and get the right advice. This simple guide will show you everything you need to know about: How to choose an attorney. Contract essentials, including patents and copyrights.
A study aid labeled Key Terms appears at the beginning of each chapter, and You Should Remember summaries are strategically interspersed throughout the text.
A practical resource for novice and seasoned bankruptcy lawyers, this second edition includes recent case law and substantial updates.