Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers is an adventure into today's business world of the new millennium and it's associated mathematical procedures. The book is designed to provide solid mathematical preparation and foundation for students going on to courses and careers in accounting, marketing, retailing, banking, office administration, finance, insurance, real estate, and business administration. In addition, it is ideal for use in small businesses or for personal consumer needs. This is not just a textbook, but a "reference manual" for consumers and business persons alike.
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Contemporary Mathematics for Business & Consumers
Contemporary Mathematics: For Business and Consumers
Refined and enhanced over seven editions, this text continues to incorporate a proven step-by-step instructional model that allows you and your students to progress together one topic at a time without being intimidated or overwhelmed.
This edition offers a reader-friendly design with a wealth of engaging learning features that connect the latest business news to chapter topics and provide helpful personal money tips.
Throughout the text, more than 2,000 exercises, including Excel spreadsheet problems, real-life business scenarios, and detailed calculator sequences, allow for immediate practice to reinforce learning and hone essential skills.
This edition offers a reader-friendly design with a wealth of engaging learning features that connect the latest business news to chapter topics and provide helpful personal money tips.
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers is an adventure into today's business world of the new millennium and it's associated mathematical procedures. The book is designed to provide solid mathematical...
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Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers: With Cengage Now, the Start Smart Guide for Students