After a timely update of its problem sets and applications, Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application is now available in an eighth edition. As with previous editions, this text still offers the most clear and concise introduction to economic analysis of how markets operate. The author's streamlined approach to the material, and lively new discussions offer students a textbook that is easy to learn from and interesting to read. Instructors will like the additions to the "Further Topics" section, which offers an up-to-date presentation of new topics in microeconomics.
Frey , Bruno S. and Hans - Jürgen Ramser , 1976 , The political business cycle : A comment , Review of Economic Studies 43 ... Kramer , Gerald H. , 1971 , Short - run fluctuations in U.S. voting behavior , 1896–1964 , American Political ...
McQuay - Perfex Kennametal , Inc. Nalco Chemical Pullman PPG Industries Ingersoll Rand Buckeye Int'l Rogers Corp. Dennison Mfg . Robbins & Meyers Illinois Tool Works Pepsico , Inc. Rexnord , Inc. Ex - Cell - o Diamond Shamrock Tenneco ...
★史丹佛大學經濟學課程人氣講師著作★ 經濟學是你一生受用的隨身常識 要懂經濟學,讀這本就夠! 為什麼要懂經濟學?因為你會知道自己賺的是什麼, ...
'Self-sufficient' sections allow lecturers to 'mix and match' topics relevant to their courses.Discussion is clear, accessible and engaging, enabling the student to gradually acquire confidence as well as proficiency.A Extensive exercises ...
In recent years, innovative texts in mathematics, science, foreign languages, and other fields have achieved dramatic pedagogical gains by abandoning the traditional encyclopedic approach in favor of attempting to teach...
根據經濟學理論可知,在完全競爭的勞動力市場中,最低工資標準上調會減少最低工資工人的雇傭數量。由勞動力供給和需求模型可知,當最低工資設定的標準高於均衡工資時,勞動力市場的勞動供給將會增加,而勞動力需求則會減少,此時勞動力供給將會出現過剩。有關勞動力市場理論的另一種觀點則認為,勞動力市場上的買方壟斷企業相對於工人而言有更加明顯的市場權力。 最低工資標準是政府部門干預勞動力市場的重要手段之一。最低工資標準是指勞動者在法定工作時間或依法簽訂的勞動合約約定的工作時間內提供了正常勞動的前提下,用人單位依法支付的最低勞動報酬。相對於單個企業而言,最低工資標準的制定是一種外生政策,是企業必須遵守的規定。政府主要通過最低工資制度來保障勞動者權益,進而影響企業行為,從而實現政治目標。而企業必然會在滿足政府要求的同時,採取相應的對策以謀求經濟效益。這意味著雖然企業行為是企業戰略內生決定的,且最低工資標準政策只是一個外在影響因素,但最低工資標準對企業行為的影響是毋庸置疑的。 本書創新之處如下:第一,探究了最低工資標準對企業行為的影響,揭示了最低工資制度的負外部性;第二,考慮了在面對最低工資標準上浮時不同規模企業的企業行為的差異;第三,強調了國有股權在維護最低工資制度和管理企業行為之間的作用。全書寫作思路清晰,層次鮮明,重點突出,具有重要的學術價值和應用價值,對指導政府制定最低工資標準相關政策以及企業應對最低工資標準政策均具有理論和實踐意義。
This book offers a conceptual scheme for an integrated analysis of prices and values. The proposed system covers both factor and commodity valuations and is more general in application than...
Microeconomics for Business Decisions: Theory and Application
This unique text explains the relevancy of economics by applying theory to real-world business situations, showing students how to use microeconomics to understand and make decisions in the business world....