Portrays troubled families who are combating abusive behavior with the help of Parents Anonymous, a self-help group for parents who have abused or fear that they might abuse their children
Breaking the Cycle of Child Abuse
In this breakthrough book, Beverly Engel, a leading expert on emotional and sexual abuse, explains how to stop the cycle of abuse once and for all.
Includes information on britain, Canada, casework, Florida reforms, placement rates, reporting rates, screening, social workers, etc.
These are keys that her own children benefited from as she learned and shared stories, activities, and information covering life coping skills needed for parents to raise children with love, patience, and compassion.
We also know that 90 percent of the time, victims know their abuser. Daniel Pearse is living proof of both these statistics. He and his brother were sent to live with a pedophile after their mother died.
St. Louis: G. W. Medical, 2005. Myers, JohnE.B.,ed. TheAPSAC Handbook onChild Maltreatment, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. Myers, John E. B.,Lucy A.Berliner, John Briere, C.Terry Hendrix, TheresaA.
These are keys that her own children benefited from as she learned and shared stories, activities, and information covering life coping skills needed for parents to raise children with love, patience, and compassion.
Accompanied by a psychiatrist's essay, this photographic study of men, women, and children who suffered child abuse shows people working bravely, through therapy, to break the abuse cycle
"In Spare the Rod, Phil Quinn urgently calls for an end to child abuse and family violence. Combining the insights born of his own personal tragedy with much new information and current statistics."--Inside Cover.
This winding story is told to bring a voice to the many victims, who even as adults, still bear many scars from childhood. This author will not take one penny from the sales of this book.