This step-by-step guide to turning an idea into a profit-making business was a nationwide success when first published in 1976. Now it has been fully updated in response to the boom in businesses owned by women, with entirely up-to-the-minute tax, legal, credit, and insurance information.
冒表 A5 1990 年英国女性性行奈局翡周查%非大粤星棠女性,大粤星棠女性,全部女性, 25 歳至 34 歳 25 歳至 34 歳 35 歳至 44 歳前 4 遇熙性行篇 16 22 17 5 至 8 次 28 24 27 8 次以上 24 18 19 各年龄群组各教育程度燕颗著差黑。资料来源: Natsal 冒表 A6 ...
[ author's italics ] H. Plinkman , 117 H. Blumberg , D. C. # 3 Isreal [ sic ] Levine , Local 36 Frank Dvorak , Local 52 I. Bayer , Local 241 The convention committee considering this resolution reported on it favorably ; the convention ...
All New Business Ideas for Enterprising Women Who Want to Work at HomeWith the right entrepreneurial spirit and know-how, you can join the millions of enterprising women who run their...
What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
While today's women enter the workforce and climb the ladder of corporate success at a rate unknown to previous generations, salaries for men and women doing the same or similar...
In tough economic times, conventional jobs can be hard to find. A home-based business could be the answer for many people. Making Money from Home compares the cost of working...
"Understanding, appreciating and integrating family and life concerns at the workplace are the buzzwords today for maximizing the performance and potential of the human resource in organizations. This book aims...
Examines the ideological, social, and economic forces that, together with technology, influence the lives of women
Women, Work, and Family: Dimensions of Change in American Society