Thirty Haiku reflect a scene or thought about nature.
Except Perhaps in Spring, in Love Poems
"Presents twelve months of haiku by twelve writers, illustrated by twelve artists"--Back cover.
"This anthology celebrates the fifth of the biannual Haiku North America conferences.
Thirty Haiku reflect a scene or thought about nature.
Hog Wild: Haiku
"A collection from the New Zealand International Haiku Competition, this book contains the most exciting work from Australia, Japan, USA and Canada as well as New Zealand.
Nearly 5000 haiku by Jane Reichhold, written in English between 1993 - 2013 have been arranged according to the five seasons and seven traditional saijiki categories of Japan.
Presents a haiku for each of the eight days of Hanukkah.
Thirty poems in praise of the joys of nature.