This text has been written for those taking a one-year course in introductory physics, studying biology and the health sciences. It covers the standard topics in classical and 20th century physics, using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, but no calculus. The main objectives of this text are twofold: to provide the student with a clear and logical presentation of the basic concepts and principles of physics, and to strengthen the student's understanding of the concepts and principles through a broad range of interesting applications to the real world. The technology version offers a complete learning system for the algebra-trigonometry based physics course. The integration of CD-ROM and Web site technology makes it easier for lecturers and students to incorporate technology-based content into their lectures and studies. This title also includes a WebCT Guide and PIN code. WebCT online courses provide lecture notes and additional content tied directly to the text, along with self-tests, interactive activities, and net links. All this is directly customized by the lecturer to suit their individual course.