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... 1600cm 1 区域的强吸收峰可能是芳香环 C = 0 的伸缩振动。阴丹士林蓝靛蓝的红外吸收光谱如图 2-38 和图 2-39 所示。 T % con CI .还原蓝 41f98005 Myny 4IIII.
加利福尼亚大学(戴维斯)食品科技系,加利福尼亚州戴维斯市 Chi-Tang Ho 罗格斯大学食品科学系,新泽西州新布朗斯维克市 Kerry C.Huber 爱达荷大学,爱达荷州莫斯科市 Robert C.Lindsay 威斯康星大学(麦迪逊)食品科学系,威斯康星州麦迪逊市 D.Julian ...
To the author's knowledge no complete review exists of the published work in this very interesting new field; a situation it is hoped the present volume will rectify.
A clear presentation of the various aspects of petroleum analysis Petroleum exhibits a wide range of physical properties. Numerous tests have been and continue to be developed to provide...
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
A broad examination of the physical properties of solutions Polymer Solutions: An Introduction to Physical Properties offers a fresh, inclusive approach to teaching the fundamentals of physical polymer science....
I. Introduction; How to use the handbook; Sample preparation in analytical chemistry (organic analysis); Sample preparation in analytical chemistry (inorganic analysis); Quantitative measurements; Managing laboratory information; Laboratory automation; II. Separation...
This text is written for a course that deals with the principles and applications of modern analytical instruments. Emphasis is placed upon the theoretical basis of each type of instrument,...