Instructor's Resource Manual to Accompany Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals, Seventh Edition
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits: Instructors Resource Manual
Essentials of Electric Circuits: Instructor's Manual
This exciting new text teaches the foundations of electric circuits and develops a thinking style and a problem-solving methodology that is based on physical insight.
Stay focused on the fundamentals with Paull Offering a new, focused approach to circuit analysis, Clayton Paul's Paul's Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis helps readers master essential circuit analysis skills...
Instructor's Manual with Solutions to Accompany Electrical and Electronics Fundamentals
Electric Circuits W/PSpice, Instructor's Solutions Manual
Aims to present circuit analysis in an easier to understand manner.
These practice problems are designed to supplement any first year circuit analysis text. They contain detailed, logical solutions and cover basic concepts included normally in any introductory circuit course.
Divided into four parts: circuits, electronics, digital systems, and electromagnetics, this text provides an understanding of the fundamental principles on which modern electrical engineering is based.