Utida , S. 1953. Interspecific competition between two species of bean weevil . Ecology 34 : 301–307 . ... Varga , L. 1928. Ein interessanter Biotop der Bioconose von Wasserorganismen . Biol . Zentralbl . 48 : 143–162 .
Holling, C. S., G. Peterson, P. Marples, J. Sendzimir, K. Redford, L. Gunderson, and D. Lambert. 1996. “Self-Organization in Ecosystems: Lumpy Geometries, Periodicities and Morphologies” (346–384). In B. H. Walker and W. Steffen (eds.).
The new ecology emphasizes the importance of conserving species diversity, because it can offer a portfolio of options to keep our ecosystems resilient in the face of environmental change.
Explains what ecology is, shows how living things are classified, and looks at the environments in which they live.
The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
This book will help to fuel the timely renaissance of interest in philosophy of ecology that is now occurring in the philosophical profession.
This book will serve as an important resource for future scientists and conservation leaders who are seeking a more holistic and applicable approach to ecological science.
view of many scientists when he suggests that ecology be given to the environmentalists and each subdivision be ... We do this with an eye to clarifying the differences of nonscientific forms of ecology such as romantic ecology and ...
Carpenter FL, Paton DC, Hixon MA. 1983. Weight gain and adjustment of feeding territory ... Chapelle A, Ménesguen A, Deslous-Paoli JM, Souchu P, Mazouni N, Vaquer A, Millet B. 2000. Modelling nitrogen, primary production and oxygen in ...
" -- Environmental History "The details of how the field began and the accounts of the ecological pioneers make this book an enjoyable account of scientific history.
Inquiry-based general science curriculum for the middle grades featuring a text/workbook that students can write in.