This collection of readings provides a solid grounding in the major practical business decisions that students and managers face in a global setting.
Anthology of readings on the economic theory of international trade economics - explores the theoretical foundations of the heckschern-ohlen model of comparative advantage, and covers free trade, trade policy, tariff...
Imperfect Competition and International Trade: The Policy Aspects of Intra Industry Trade
Monographic compilation of essays on the economic theory of the role of multinational enterprises in economic relations and of the relationship of capital and the State - examines the place...
Ideal for a one-semester course in international economics, this book is accessible to those within and outside of economics programs.
This interdisciplinary collection of readings helps students understand state-market relations. It is designed to stand on its own or to supplement other IPE texts.
John R. Walton, “Animal Husbandry,” in Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, vol. 1, ed. Joel Mokyr, 127–130 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007). 3. Samuel Noiah Kramer, From the Tablets of Sumer, Twenty-five firsts in Man's ...
Think outside the borders.
This result is an example of the “Washington apples” effect, named after an example given by Alchian and Allen (1964, ... Maximizing (9.4) over the choice of prices qi, we obtain the first-order conditions g(z ) T jjj qj z H 2d j j q ...