In recent years feminist philosophers have provided us with an extensive critique of traditional philosophy. In questioning its most fundamental assumptions, they are exposing the inadequacies of theories that ignored gender and the ways in which it shapes experiences and perception. Women, Knowledge and Reality presents the work of twenty-one leading feminist scholars, who explore the breadth and depth of feminist revisions of philosophy. This is the first collection to address the impact of feminist scholarship on methodology, metaphysics, theory of knowledge and their subfields --the philosophies of science, language, mind and religion-- at an introductory level. As an aid to the reader, the editors have organized the chapters by traditional fields of philosophy, and include an introduction to each that contrasts the ideas of feminist thinkers with those of traditional philosophers. Individual authors then propose their own alternatives to androcentric thought.
Women, Knowledge, and Reality: Explorations in Feminist Philosophy
Women, Knowledge and Reality
The collection reconfigures gender and philosophy into an integrated field of inquiry while providing an invaluable resource for scholars in all disciplines who need to know how to think critically about gender.
Nineteenth-century philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt, who writes at length about women's knowledge, sums up the central features of this line of thought as follows: “A sense of truth exists in [women] quite literally as a ...
Nineteenth-century philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt, who writes at length about women's knowledge, sums up the central features of this line of thought as follows: “A sense of truth exists in [women] quite literally as a ...
Kripke , Saul , Naming and Necessity ( Blackwell , Oxford , 1980 ) . Lear , Jonathan , “ Leaving the World Alone ... in Malcolm , Thought and Knowledge ( Cornell University Press , Ithaca , 1977 ) . McDowell , John , “ Functionalism and ...
This book joins epistemic and socio-political issues, using Wittgenstein and diverse liberatory theories to reorient epistemology as an explicitly political endeavor, with trustworthiness at its heart.
Nietzsche has the reputation of being a virulent misogynist, so why are feminists interested in his philosophy? The essays in this volume provide answers to this question from a variety...
The essays in this interdisciplinary collection share the conviction that modern western paradigms of knowledge and reality are gender-biased.
Challenging such assumptions, this important new book argues for the value of empirical investigations of gendered life, and brings together the theoretical, political and practical aspects of feminist methodology.