As coordinated attacks by animals against humans increase and escalate, young biologist Jackson Oz and ecologist Chloe Tousignant warn world leaders that soon there will be nowhere left for humans.
Brenda Aloff's book has become the bible for identifying, understanding, and resolving aggression problems in dogs.
Explores the reasons, including food, nesting places, mates, rank, and territory, why animals display aggressive behavior and fight with other animals like themselves.
This study is an analysis of the roots of human savagery, dealing with the fundamental questions of why the majority of violence is perpetrated by men, whether this is a matter of nature or nurture and whether anything can be done about it.
"The animal kingdom is full of incredible predators. But which animal would win a predator smackdown? Read this book to find out! Dive down on prey with a golden eagle. Prowl jungles with a jaguar .
The overall intent of the book is to prevent dog bites. ...does a good job of compiling the information we think we know about dog bites into one place. It also debunks much of what were previously accepted truths about dog bites to humans.
In a new introduction by Eric Salzen, the debate around Lorenz's work is set in its social and political context and recent new evidence is examined that may refute some of the claims made by the critics
"The subject of this book is aggression, that is to say the fighting instinct in beast and man which is direced against members of the same species"--Introduction.