Highlights the work of a creator of handmade, one-of-a-kind guitars
Classic Ferrington Guitars: Featuring the Custom-made Guitars of Master Luthier Danny Ferrington
The Kramer/Ferrington partnership thus changed the notion of acoustic styling forever. Kramer decided to try acoustic guitars in 1985 and hooked up with luthier-to-thestars Danny Ferrington, whose customers include the likes of Jackson ...
After the phenomenal success of Nevermind, however, there were suddenly people who wanted to make custom guitars specially for ... Two of them—luthier Danny Ferrington, and Larry L. Brooks of the Fender Custom Shop—got to do just that.
... Ferrington . ” Ferrington Guitars ( HarperCollins , 1992 ) . “ Ferrington is also garrulous . As he works , he is such a nonstop fountainhead of information , insight , and stories that one has the feeling of being accompanied by the ...
Frustrated, hevisited luthier Danny Ferrington when the band arrivedin Los Angeles inlate December and asked him to build some replacement necks forCobain's guitars. Instead, Ferrington offeredto builda guitar forCobain.
Yet, very little practical information exists for these tasks. This book changes all it.
Fuller felt 'In Battle' captured the effortless feeling he was looking for and provided ample space for all of the drawing and liveaction elements that would be needed to complete the sequence. Here again Fuller took his lead from Saul ...
The book serves as a companion and contextual backdrop to the Nirvana: Taking Punk to the Masses exhibition, which opens at Seattle’s Experience Music Project in 2011.
This book explains step by step, with over 1800 photos and more than 600 illustrations how to layout and build your own electric guitar.
Greg Hopkins & Bill Moore Ampeg : The Story Behind The Sound ( Hal Leonard 1999 ) Detailed and info - packed account . ... Richard R. Smith Fender : The Sound Heard ' Round The World ( Garfish 1995 ) Well researched view of early ...