George F. Cole , Politics and the Administration of Justice ( Beverly Hills , Calif .: Sage , 1973 ) . Louis B. Heller , Do You Solemnly Swear ? ( Garden City , New York : Doubleday , 1968 ) . Morton Hunt , The Mugging ( New York ...
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The next segment focuses on how officers work the streets. The emphasis here is on the decision-making processes that surround the arrest option and reliance upon the use of force.
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
This Study Guide gives your students extensive practice tests to help them review for their course.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, p. 464. 5. Ortman, J. M., & Guarneri, C. E. (2010). United States population projections: 2000 to 2050. Retrieved from: https://www ...
The book represents a departure from other introductory texts: it is not limited to the presentation of information.
Who are the police? What do they do? How do they do their job? Why do they do it that way? This introductory overview of what its like to be...
The section on the criminal justice system has been moved to the beginning of the text, a new chapter on community policing has been added, the chapter on careers has been moved to the end, and a second four-color photo essay has been added ...
Intended for courses in Introduction to Law Enforcement, Introduction to Policing, and Introduction to Criminal Justice found in the departments of Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice, Police Services, and Law Enforcement at two- ...
William G. Doerner, Ph.D., has been a faculty member in the School of Criminology & Criminal Justice at Florida State University since 1977, as well as serving as a part-time sworn law enforcement officer for the Tallahassee Police ...