Do your cakes collapse, soufflés slump, cookies crumble, and fruit pies fail? For those living at high altitude, baking can be a challenge at best, or a total disaster. More than thirty-four of the fifty United States, plus many Canadian regions, have cities and towns at altitudes of more than 2,500 feet, yet there are hardly any cookbooks that address the special needs of these local bakers. Until now. Award-winning cookbook author Susan G. Purdy has finally written the first-ever foolproof guide to high-altitude baking. Purdy has actually "gone there and done that," staying as long as it took to bake these recipes to perfection at five different locations -- and elevations -- across thecountry. In Pie in the Sky, Purdy leaves behind old conversion tables, disproves many oft-repeated calculations and adjustments, and presents reliable recipes in their entirety for each altitude. She takes out the tinkering and guarantees success at any height. In addition, she explains the hows and whys, gives tips and hints for problems specific to every altitude, and generally demystifies the subject of atmospheric obstacles that cause favorite recipes to flop. Whether they live in the eastern mountains or the far west, in Boston, Massachusetts; Boone, North Carolina; or Santa Fe, New Mexico; home bakers as well as experienced chefs will love the wide range of easy-to-make treats including Mile-High Lemon Meringue Pie, Coconut Cake with Coconut Icing, Paradise Peak Chocolate Soufflé, Vail Lemon-Poppy Seed Loaf, Celestial Challah, and Sour Cream Streusel Coffee Cake. Every recipe was tested at sea level (Connecticut), 3,000 feet (North Carolina and Virginia), 5,000 feet (Idaho and Colorado), 7,000 feet (New Mexico), and 10,000 feet (Colorado) and can be used at these elevations or any points in between.
He also started an educational wine program for staff and created the restaurant's first wine pairing menus. Kathy Casey is the chef-owner of Kathy Casey Food Studios in Seattle.
GIBSON. EVOE. A perfectionist conquers the seasons with a grill pan and a make-do playbook. Imagine you've wandered into a cooking show, but the audience is just you. Standing in what looks like a dorm room decorated by Sur La Table, ...
Gibson. Martini. Martinis are not only excellent, but also sophisticated. Ingredients: 6 parts gin or vodka 1 part dry vermouth 3 cocktail onions Directions: 1. Shake or stir gin (or vodka) and vermouth with ice. 2.
... 153; in calas, 175 Roanoke Island, N.C., 74 Roux, 12, 13, 16, 17, 84, 85 S St. Cecilia Punch, 189 St. Charles Hotel, 183 Salad: wilted, 133; composed, 135; potato, 135; tomato aspic, 140; cucumbers and onions, 141 Salisbury, ...
Food preservation teacher and cook Karen Solomon teaches you how to smoke, pickle, salt-cure, oil-cure, and dehydrate a variety of meats, dairy, fish, eggs, and other proteins economically and at home.
A lot of it was food that would ordinarily be a hard - sell on an à la carte menu . It was sort of funky food that people practically fell over — they were so impressed with it . But if we had put some of these dishes on our menu — like ...
Wineries of all types , sizes , and levels of quality buy and sell wines in bulk . Some sell all of their production that way . Most large producers buy significant amounts of bulk wines from other wineries and then BLEND , bottle , and ...
A comprehensive guide to whole-animal butchery, covering the rudiments of butchery; how meat animals are raised, slaughtered, and marketed; and the complexities of meat grading, carcass yield, marbling scores, and issues with inspection.
Two hip event planners team up to present a guide to throwing a fabulous party, offering insider tricks, fashionable tips, and clever strategies on choosing a creative theme, finding the perfect location, designing memorable invitations and ...
There's a complete resource guide in the back, not to mention savvy tips from Puff Daddy, Russell Simmons, Lara Flynn Boyle, David Copperfield, Hugh Jackman, and Donald Trump.