"There once lived a very rich king called Midas who believed that nothing was more precious than gold." So begins this imaginative and breathtaking retelling of the myth of the man with the golden touch. When a mysterious stranger offers to reward Midas for a kindness, the king does not hesitate: He wishes that all he touches would turn to gold. To his delight, his wish is granted and he soon sets about transforming his ordinary palace into a place of golden beauty. But to his dismay, when he accidentally turns his beloved daughter into a golden statue, Midas learns that what at first seems a blessing can also become a curse.
King Midas enjoyed turning everything he touched to gold until he discovered that gold food was hard to eat and gold daughters cold to hug.
In this retelling of the Greek Myth, King Midas loves gold more than anything else in the whole world! Or at least, he thinks he loves gold the most....
A king who wishes for the golden touch is faced with its unfortunate consequences.
A Touch of Gold: Is told from the perspective of Kora, King Midas’s daughter and a strong female protagonist Is a clean fantasy adventure, perfect for fans of the #1 New York Times bestselling books, The Wrath & the Dawn and Cinder Is an ...
Retelling of the Greek myth in which King Midas wishes that everything he touches turns to gold. Includes two puzzles intended to test reading comprehension. Suggested level: junior, primary.
It has been relayed through words and read in different books. This is not another version of the story of King Midas. Rather, this is the truth of its origin. Are your curious to know what we mean? Then open the book today!
Retelling of the tale in which a king finds himself bitterly regretting the consequences of his wish that everything he touches would turn to gold. Suggested level: junior, primary.