A classic reference book that has been used by millions all over the world, Roget’s International Thesaurus is the product of more than a century and a half of continual expansion, reorganization, and improvement. Today this book is not only the most time-tested and bestselling thesaurus ever, but, newly revised, it is also the most up-to-date and comprehensive reflection of the English language as it is currently used. The revolutionary achievement of Dr. Peter Mark Roget’s first edition in 1852 was the development of a brand-new principle: the arrangement of words and phrases according to their meanings. Dr. Roget’s system brings together in one place all the terms associated with a single thought or concept; it allows a wide-ranging survey of language within a book of relatively modest size, without the space-consuming repetitions that so severely limit the scope of thesauruses arranged in a dictionary format with A-to-Z entries. This brilliant organization makes Roget’s International Thesaurus both the most efficient word finder and a cutting-edge aid in stimulating thought, organizing ideas, and writing and speaking more clearly and effectively. This revised and updated seventh edition features thousands of new words and phrases, including the newest slang words and expressions that color and inform everyday language. At the same time, it retains all the hallmarks that have made Roget’s International Thesaurus the most popular word reference book next to the dictionary.
The revolutionary achievement of Dr. Peter Mark Roget‘s first edition in 1852 was the development of a brand–new principle: the arrangement of words and phrases according to their meanings.
Today this book is not only the most time-tested and bestselling thesaurus ever, but, newly revised, it is also the most up-to-date and comprehensive reflection of the English language as it is currently used.
A classic reference book that has been used by millions all over the world, Roget's International Thesaurus is the product of more than a century and a half of continuous...
Concise definitions for each main entry. A revolutionary concept index -- arranged by idea, it mirrors the way we actually think! No obsolete terms -- all synonyms reflect modern usage.
Gathers words of similar and related meanings grouped by subject, including abstract relations, space, the intellect, volition, and emotion
An updated edition of Roget's word-finder reorganizes it according to new, more modern subject categories, features 350,000 entries, and contains hundreds of example quotations from throughout history
Provides more than three hundred thousand synonyms, antonyms, and related words in more than a thousand different categories.
HarperCollins Edition; Only in ROGET'S INTERNATIONAL THESAURUS will you find 43 ways to say overjoyed and 39 ways to say dejected, 32 ways to be astonished, 59 ways to laugh and 23 ways to weep -- and even 58 words to describe the color ...
Provides precise definitions of each synonym, complete synonym groups at every entry, a category index that includes related or opposing terms, and an extensive cross-reference system
Provides precise definitions of each synonym, complete synonym groups at every entry, a category index that includes related or opposing terms, and a cross-reference system.