Abstract: A reference text for health care professionals presents tables listing the nutrient contents of foods by portion size, organized by food class. Supplementary tables describe the contents of individual nutrients, in various foods, organized by nutrient (e.g., fiber, caffeine, choline, sacharine, selenium, amino acids). Latest RDA's are listed. The principal nutrient content tables list reported food contents including fast foods for calories, moisture, fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, cholesterol, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2 B6, B12, C, niacin, folic and pantothenic acids, and 9 minerals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu, and P). The nutrient data compilation offered by this text is claimed to be the most comprehensive one available. Guidelines for using the nutrient content tables are included. (wz).
Lockhart JS and Griffin CW : Action stat : tetany , Nursing 88 18 ( 8 ) : 33 , 1988 . Malluche HH and Faugere M : Renal osteodystrophy , Mediguide to Nephrology 1 ( 1 ) : 1-8 , 1986 . Maxwell MH and others : Clinical disorders of fluid ...
Harvey , K. B. et al .: “ Nutritional Assessment and Patient Outcome During Oncological Therapy , ” Cancer , 43 : 2065–69 , 1979 . 30. Bertino , J. R .: “ Nutrients , Vitamins , and Minerals as Therapy , ” Nutr .
2 110 111 112 Food and Nutrition Board , National Research Council ( USA ) . Nutr . Rev. 30 : 1975 1972 American Academy of Pediatrics , Committee on Nutrition . Pediatrics 53 : 576 1974 American Academy of Pediatrics , Committee on ...
Abstract: This book presents the outline for a basic nutrition course. Each of the thirty topics contains a description of the behavioral objectives of that section, a detailed lecture outline,...
This companion to Brenner and Rector's The Kidney offers a concise, practical approach to acid-base and electrolyte disorders, emphasizing pathophysiology and its link to a logical diagnostic approach in treating...
隨著社會經濟、科學技術及生活水準的提高,人們對健康日益重視,尤其是對維持生命的食物格外關注,其中一般大眾最熟悉的是利用有機農業生產的有機食物及近年來陸續被科學家發現對人體健康有益的植化素。這兩項食品自從被商品化後,多強調其優點,忽視了生產環境與生產過程。以一位站在多年來從事台灣農業發展研究者的立場,有義務也有責任提醒農業生產者:在進行有機栽培時是否對栽培環境進行過詳盡的調查與評估?提醒消費者:在享用有機產品時可曾注意到它的安全性?因此,本書希望藉第三版能從植物營養的角度對有機農業及植化素做適當的補充,繼續呼籲社會大眾要保護我們的生存環境,尤其是農業的生產環境,並督促政府及早制定合乎永續發展的農業政策,徹底解決全民賴以生存的食的問題。 本書最終的目標是希望揭開「植物營養學」學術面紗,除了整合有系統的知識,供研習植物營養學的學生及農業生產者或研究者參考外,更希望一般民眾能透過本書對和我們生活息息相關的植物生產與營養有深入了解。並體會到唯有在一個理想的環境與社會,植物的營養與人的營養健康才有保障。
Resource Guide to Accompany Breastfeeding and Human Lactation
A complete text on breastfeeding, for professionals including nurses, nurse midwives, lactation consultants, childbirth educators, and dieticians. Coverage includes cultural context, anatomy and physiology, breastfeeding education, breast pumps and other...
Introductory Management and Leadership for Nurses: An Interactive Text
This popular reference offers well-balanced coverage of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders. Thorough without going into extraneous detail, it synthesizes key theoretical and clinical information in a way that is...