The follow up to the bestselling phenomenon The Daring Book for Girls—an even more daring guide to everything from making a raft to learning how to play football to the art of the Japanese Tea Ceremony. In response to the resounding success of The Daring Book for Girls comes a second volume with all original material that promises to be full of even more daring adventure than the first. Girls will learn how to surf, horseback riding tips, April Fools Day history and pranks, how to make a labyrinth, how to sing, all about cowgirls, and how to organize a croquet tournament. Just as packed with creative and exciting material as the original, but double the fun, The Double-Daring Book for Girls is an adventure guidebook of stories, activities, facts, and games for daring girls everywhere.
Revisit old favorites and discover even more facts and stories. The perfect pocket book for any girl on a quest for knowledge. Includes New Chapters + the Best Wisdom & Wonder from The Daring Book for Girls
In this digital age, there is still a place for knots, skimming stones and stories of incredible courage. This book recaptures Sunday afternoons, stimulates curiosity, and makes for great father-son activities.
The Double Dangerous Book for Boys is a treasure trove of the essential activities and skills that have defined generations of boyhoods, from building a treehouse to fishing to finding true north.
The girls' book of glamour: a guide to being a goddess / written by Sally Jeffrie; illustrated by Nellie Ryan; edited by Liz Scoggins; designed by Zoe Quayle. — 1st American ed. p. cm. “First published in Great Britain in 2008 by Buster ...
Well-researched and true to the classical Greek myths, each volume in the Goddess Girls series addresses contemporary issues like friendship and relationships from a classically accurate—and entertaining—perspective.
A collection of affirming thoughts, facts, and poems about girls.
A spiffy guide to anything and everything a girl could need to know!
A latest entry in the series that includes The Girls' Book of Excellence counsels girls on the secrets of positive friendships, sharing tips on a wide range of topics from making new acquaintances and resolving arguments to helping those in ...
Fly Girls follows the stories of five remarkable women: Florence Klingensmith, a highâe'school dropout from North Dakota; Ruth Elder, an Alabama housewife; Amelia Earhart, the most famous, but not necessarily the most skilled; Ruth Nichols ...
Concentrating on seven historical figures, a graphic novel based on legends, poems, letters, and first-hand accounts shows how women through the ages and across cultures have disguised themselves as men for various reasons. Simultaneous.