The manifesto for waging a street-smart publicity campaign with no- or low-cost strategies from one of Hollywood's most successful publicists.
Portrait of a Guerrilla : Connie Connors , President / CEO , Connors Communications Gathering publicity is a question of networking . You have to know who to call , where to find them , and what to say . You have to develop a network of ...
Guerrilla P.R. 2.0 offers all the resources necessary to mount your own campaign and get the media exposure you need.
Guerrilla Marketing for Writers is packed with proven insights and advice, it details 100 ÒClassified secretsÓ that will help autho
Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet Jay Conrad Levinson, Shel Horowitz. But that's not all—far from it. For example, forget about zero-sum marketing—you can win and your competitor can win.
The guru of the Guerrilla Marketing series, with over a million copies in print, teaches entrepreneurs how to market aggressively without spending one cent.
30 Powerful Battle Maneuvers for Non-Stop Momentum and Results Jay Levinson, Jeannie Levinson. That's why so many people seek her out for advice and ... ARSENAL. GUERRILLA MARKETING INTERNATIONAL, INC. Jay Conrad Levinson, Chairman ...
... a realtor and a mortgage broker. 4. Who are potential Power Partners? 5. Who can assist me with referrals? 6. What specific. 3. What types of companies would make good Power Partners? 92 guerrilla marketing in 30 days workbook.
Cost-effective Techniques for Small-business Success Jay Conrad Levinson. Other Books by Jay Conrad Levinson The Most Important $ 1.00 Book Ever Written Secrets of Successful Free - Lancing San Francisco : An Unusual Guide to Unusual ...
STARTYOURGUERRILLAMARKETING POWER PLAN The Father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson, and marketing master Al Lautenslager equip you with a winning 30-day plan to revolutionize your marketing without depleting your budget.
Effective Guerrilla Marketing starts with market research and defining your target market or prospects. Your market research time is the important time that ... See Volume 1, Section 1.1, “Research and Knowing,” for more information.