In the spirit of Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope and Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride comes an inspiring portrait of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first female presidential nominee in United States history: a girl who fought to make a difference—and paved the way for women everywhere—from Michelle Markel and LeUyen Pham. This nonfiction picture book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 4 to 6. It’s a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children. In the 1950s, it was a man’s world. Girls weren’t supposed to act smart, tough, or ambitious. Even though, deep inside, they may have felt that way. And then along came Hillary. Brave, brilliant, and unstoppable, she was out to change the world. They said a woman couldn’t be a mother and a lawyer. Hillary was both. They said a woman shouldn’t be too strong or too smart. Hillary was fearlessly herself. It didn’t matter what people said—she was born to lead. With illustrations packed full of historical figures and details, this gorgeous and informative picture book biography is perfect for every budding leader. Includes a timeline, artist’s note, and bibliography.
"Hillary Rodham Clinton's fascinating journey from a little girl in Chicago, Illinois to secretary of state for the United States and the impact she has made on women's rights and human rights within the United States and beyond.
Traces the childhood, college years, and political accomplishments of the controversial 2008 presidential candidate.
Presents the life and accomplishments of former First Lady Hillary Clinton, who campaigned for her husband in the 1992 presidential election and stood by her husband's confession of infidelity in 1998.
As one of the most powerful women in politics, Hillary Clinton is known throughout the world.
A New Kind of First Lady.
Informative and accessible, Public Opinion, the First Ladyship, and Hillary Rodham Clinton is a valuable reference for both students of politics and women's studies specialists."--BOOK JACKET.
I have a total of almost one hundred years of shared trust and collaboration with three friends: Lowell Bergman, Sy Hersh, and Phil Taubman. Their own careers have led them down separate reporting paths, but they all have been there to ...
A biography of the New York senator and wife of the former forty-second president of the United States.
... former U.S. senator • Dennis Kucinich, U.S. representative • Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico of this, her strategy was to avoid harsh criticism of her Democratic opponents and direct her attacks toward Republican candidates.
Many of the book's key themes are effectively underscored by an entertainingly narrated photo essay, with provocative images drawn from the Clinton Presidential Library.