Winter Trees has descriptive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
A guide to tree identification and planting design.
Learn to identify trees in winter, by their twigs and other features, with this key to native and commonly introduced deciduous trees of the U.S. and Canada east of the Rockies.--Information taken from back of book.
A quick glance at the bud summary photos in Winter Trees instantly reveals their sheer diversity. Generally they are extremely varied, and often easy to learn and remember.
The Sighing of the Winter Trees is as soothing as a hot cup of tea on a winteras night.
A boy and his dog walk through a wintry forest and identify seven common trees.
This new guide combines engaging descriptions of sixty-five different trees with color photos that reflect the visual appeal of San Francisco.
While most books focus on identifying leaves and other seasonal characteristics, this practical guide is one of the few that will allow gardeners to identify trees and shrubs while they are in their dormant state.
Once Upon a Northern Night has received starred reviews from Kirkus, Publishers Weekly and School Library Journal.
Woody Plants in Winter: A Manual of Common Trees and Shrubs in Winter in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern...
Although North America suffers through several dreary months of winter each year, this guide describes trees and shrubs that make the barren winter landscape a wonderland of texture and color....