“This gorgeously rendered graphic-novel version provides a new perspective for old fans but also acts as an immersive introduction for youngsters as well as any adult who somehow missed out on the iconic story set in Maycomb, Alabama.”--USA Today A beautifully crafted graphic novel adaptation of Harper Lee’s beloved, Pulitzer Prize–winning American classic, voted America's best-loved novel in PBS's Great American Read. "Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird." A haunting portrait of race and class, innocence and injustice, hypocrisy and heroism, tradition and transformation in the Deep South of the 1930s, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird remains as important today as it was upon its initial publication in 1960, during the turbulent years of the Civil Rights movement. Now, this most beloved and acclaimed novel is reborn for a new age as a gorgeous graphic novel. Scout, Jem, Boo Radley, Atticus Finch, and the small town of Maycomb, Alabama, are all captured in vivid and moving illustrations by artist Fred Fordham. Enduring in vision, Harper Lee’s timeless novel illuminates the complexities of human nature and the depths of the human heart with humor, unwavering honesty, and a tender, nostalgic beauty. Lifetime admirers and new readers alike will be touched by this special visual edition that joins the ranks of the graphic novel adaptations of A Wrinkle in Time and The Alchemist.
The explosion of racial hate and violence in a small Alabama town is viewed by a little girl whose father defends a Black man accused of rape
Dramatization of the story about the explosion of racial hate in an Alabama town as viewed by a little girl whose father defends a black man accused of rape.
This enhanced digital edition of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer prize-winning masterwork of honor and injustice in the deep south includes audio of Sissy Spacek performing the audiobook and video footage from the documentary Hey Boo: Harper Lee ...
These essays approach the novel from educational, legal, social, and thematic perspectives. Harper Lee's only novel won the Pulitzer Prize and was transformed into a beloved film starring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch.
The result of this shift, I believe, hightlights the novel's universal qualities. [He] reminds us...that the issues explored are not those of a 'regional' work of art (as the novel is often categorised) but are of importance in Nottingham, ...
Discusses the writing of To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee. Includes critical essays on the work and a brief biography of the author.
" Their efforts are successful when all of the hullabaloo starts to direct more people to the book. But soon, their exploits start to spin out of control and they unwittingly start a mini revolution in the name of books.
Tom Santopietro, an author well-known for his writing about American popular culture, delves into the heart of the beloved classic and shows readers why To Kill a Mockingbird matters more today than ever before.
Capote's young aunt, Marie Rudisill, recalls an escapade in which she, Capote, and Lee heard that the Ku Klux Klan was going to hold a rally in a nearby field. Curious, the three of them decided to spy on the proceedings.
Go Set a Watchman, warisan berharga Harper Lee, penulis Amerika paling berpengaruh pada abad ke-20. "Go Set a Watchman mempertanyakan beberapa hal penting yang justru disamarkan dalam To Kill a Mockingbird.