NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! History called on Harry Truman to unite the Western world against Soviet communism, but first he had to rally Republicans and Democrats behind America’s most dramatic foreign policy shift since George Washington delivered his farewell address. How did one of the least prepared presidents to walk into the Oval Office become one of its most successful? The year was 1947. The Soviet Union had moved from being America’s uneasy ally in the Second World War to its most feared enemy. With Joseph Stalin’s ambitions pushing westward, Turkey was pressured from the east while communist revolutionaries overran Greece. The British Empire was battered from its war with Hitler and suddenly teetering on the brink of financial ruin. Only America could afford to defend freedom in the West, and the effort was spearheaded by a president who hadn’t even been elected to that office. But Truman would wage a domestic political battle that carried with it the highest of stakes, inspiring friends and foes alike to join in his crusade to defend democracy across the globe. In Saving Freedom, Joe Scarborough recounts the historic forces that moved Truman toward his country’s long twilight struggle against Soviet communism, and how this untested president acted decisively to build a lasting coalition that would influence America’s foreign policy for generations to come. On March 12, 1947, Truman delivered an address before a joint session of Congress announcing a policy of containment that would soon become known as the Truman Doctrine. That doctrine pledged that the United States would “support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” The untested president’s policy was a radical shift from 150 years of isolationism, but it would prove to be the pivotal moment that guaranteed Western Europe’s freedom, the American Century’s rise, and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. Truman’s triumph over the personal and political struggles that confronted him following his ascension to the presidency is an inspiring tale of American leadership, fierce determination, bipartisan unity, and courage in the face of the rising Soviet threat. Saving Freedom explores one of the most pivotal moments of the twentieth century, a turning point when patriotic Americans of both political parties worked together to defeat tyranny.
These pamphlets, reproduced by printers and distributed widely, included Thomas Paine's infamous Common Sense, and John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania.38 It was the outsized role of printers – publishers both of ...
This book has two currents.
Clark had little time for what Harry called “the ordinary customers” from back home who had favors to ask or troubles to settle. ... In his office, for special guests like Clark, Harry kept a supply of T.J.'s best bourbon.
Uiteenzetting over de opkomst van het populisme en het gevaar daarvan voor de democratie.
We must have a new strategy for uniting and rescuing our nation from the inevitable decline from Socialist policies. This book is your playbook to save America from socialism.
Saving the Republic, a collection of Encounter interventions, is a necessary resource of critical thought and commonsense on how to safeguard the promise of America.
Daily news of systemic injustice has caused activist rhetoric to balloon. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson hopes to slow this trend, suggesting that our complex global situation is forcing us to see our limits as world-changers.
The book examines the current news ecosystem in the U.S. and chronicles historical developments in government involvement in shaping the industry.
Knowledge of the manipulative power of the media is not enough. The media-savvy are just as susceptible to deception as those with no knowledge of the media's technical grammar. Deep structural changes are not likely.
15, 2018; See also “Trump's Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs Shift: A Timeline,” SIECUS, 2019, CHAPTER 7 1 letters threatening anthrax poisoning: The FBI notes that ...