Even the youngest child can enjoy a special adaptation of a classic Little House tale, as Laura and Mary listen to Pa talk about meeting a mother deer and her baby fawn deep in the Big Woods of Wisconsin.
A pioneer father tells his two small daughters why he was unable to shoot a deer for their dinner.
Laura's father goes hunting for deer but finds that he cannot shoot them.
Practical, expert advice on all aspects of deer hunting -- from tracking and stalking to field dressing and cooking. Here is a collection of deer-hunting stories from one of the nation's most popular outdoor writers.
The Little House series introduced generations of readers to Laura Ingalls Wilder’s life on the frontier. Now with this illustrated storybook collection, the youngest readers can share in her world as well.
Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat of deer.
Enter an enchanted world of fairy animal friends! Daisy the Deer loves flying around in the moonlight, whispering happy dreams into the ears of the sleeping fairy animals.
Award-winning pyrography artist Sue Walters offers 30 dynamic North American wildlife patterns to use in woodburning projects.
On August 15, approximately 12 months after our marriage, Carol gave birth to our first child, a son we named Joseph Bradley. We were very excited about his birth, of course, but I was especially excited that his birth fell on the first ...
Ideal for emerging readers, this series features engaging characters, cute animals, magical creatures, and a fill-in book review.
Terror has come to White Deer Park, driving panic-stricken animals before it.