Publisher description -- Leon Adams has retraced his travels along the wine trails that crisscross North America, recording all that is new, tasting the current vintages, and updating the colorful stories of the people who make the wines. Far more than another wine guidebook, The Wines of America offers the full story, told nowhere else, of winegrowing and winemaking over the entire North American continent and of the great American wines of past and present. It tells of triumphs over adversity, of each region's special characteristics in winemaking, and of the shift by Americans in the past decade toward wine as a daily mealtime beverage.
蜜思卡岱勒是索甸喬治亞的白酒若不是以白羽( Rkatsiteli )釀成,韓成,在德國的建議之下,紐西蘭於1950年代與( Sauternes )甜酒的次要混調品種,通常僅會就是密卡胡里。理論上,喬治亞應有上百種原| 1960年代種植了數量相當多的木勒土高,當在以榭密雍( ...
GODFORSAKEN GRAPES: A Slightly Tipsy Journey through the World of Strange, Obscure, and Underappreciated Wine 傑森‧威爾遜(Jason Wilson) 洪雅雯. syndrome)罷了。 ... 克萊默(Matt Kramer)首次發難在文章裡公開自白。「今日,更甚於以往, ...
Wine Production Technology in the United States: a symp. spons. by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry at the...
Ernest and Julio Gallo have rarely spoken publicly about their lives - until now. Ernest and Julio: Our Story is the candid and powerful autobiography of two brothers who truly...
The World Atlas of Wine: A Complete Guide to the Wines & Spirits of the World
The California Wine Book
Finding your dream house with a vineyard in Tuscany is like searching the woods for porcini mushrooms: a labor of love. Such feats require patience, discernment, resolve, and an indestructible...
It's no surprise that every year, more Americans are discovering the pleasures of wine. Many of these new enthusiasts will be the first ones in their families to be wine-lovers...
Many people find the wide variety of wines available rather daunting. But a little knowledge can offer you a world of enjoyment. In "Enjoying Wine", Chris Losh starts by explaining...