Most writing books merely teach you how to edit your own writing. "Writing That Works" is a complete guide that shows you how to get ideas, develop them, organize them, and produce a finished product in your very own individual style. Here's how the book works:
The Prewriting section shows you how to get started; how to "cluster"; and how to organize your ideas into an outline.
The Freewriting section shows you how to "freewrite", and then how to freewrite from a cluster.
The Rewriting section shows you how the pros do it; a fast way to do it; the thorough way to do it; and how to edit other people's writing.
The Style section shows you how to develop your own style; and how to use your style to deal with paragraphs, sentences, phrases, and words.
The Mechanics section deals with spelling, punctuation, syntax, and the four sure-fire steps for eliminating mechanical errors in your writing.
The Business Writing section deals with how to write reports, proposals, memos, and letters. Samples of different types of letters-- persuasive, sales, complaint, reference, rejection, goodwill, and application-- are included for ready reference.
"Writing That Works" is an essential and enduring handbook for anyone who writes, whether on the job or full-time.
Writing That Works is a concise, practical guide to the principles of effective writing. In this revised and updated edition, Roman and Raphaelson reveal how to improve memos, letters, reports,...
The Revised and Updated 3rd edition of the clear, practical guide to business writing from a renowned corporate writing coach Since the first edition's publication in 1994, Wilma Davidson's clear, practical guide to business writing has ...
A practical manual introduces a simple and effective ten-step program for developing persuasive and successful business writing, explaining how to determine the proper audience, select the most effective words, create polished prose, and ...
Most business writing is poorly presented and takes forever to get to the point. Read This! teaches simple, clear, commanding writing - to make people read what you write.
The Riley Guide . . Also , Dillon , A. 1994. Designing Usable Electronic Text : Ergonomic Aspects of Human Information Usage . London , UK : Taylor & Francis . Dixon , P. 2000a .
Technical writing must be clear, concise, correct, and complete. This text conveys the procedures writers need to follow to meet the goal of good technical writing-- to allow each reader to receive the same meaning from a piece of writing.
... University at Albany Arthur N. Applebee Judith A. Langer Kristen Campbell Wilcox Marc Nachowitz Michael P. Mastroianni Christine Dawson Linda Baker Renee Banzhaf Ae Lee Lee Chin Ee Loh David Manarel Jason Vickers Sharon Wiles ...
Offers advice on organization, sentence structure, diction, grammar, spelling, writing for a deadline, and collaboration
They connect with you, as a reader. This book will help you recognize and apply the methods of your favorite writers to your own work.
Laura Brown’s supportive, no-nonsense approach to business writing is thoughtfully adapted to the increasingly digital corporate landscape.